any electrical work call John 2163 225943 - Sheffield Lake, Ohio 44054

any electrical work call John 2163 225943 is categorized under Electrical Contractors in Sheffield Lake, OH .

Business Name: any electrical work call John 2163 225943
Contact Person: John zambounis
Address: 817 oak wood, Sheffield Lake, Ohio 44054
Phone Number: (216) 322-5943
Annual Revenue (USD): Unknown
Location Type: Single Location
Employee Number: 1 to 4
Business Type: B2B (Business to Business)
Business Category: Electrical Contractors
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Related Businesses: Glo Mar Electrical - Sheffield Lake, OH 44054
Kingsboro Electric - Sheffield Lake, OH 44054
Schuster's Diversified Company - Sheffield Lake, OH 44054
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The company any electrical work call John 2163 225943 provides B2B services in the form of Electrical Contractors from its single location in Ohio. 1 to 4 employees work for any electrical work call John 2163 225943, and the business now earns Unknown per annum.

any electrical work call John 2163 225943 was launched in 0 and is classified under SIC code and category , and NAICS number and grouping . To contact any electrical work call John 2163 225943, please call John zambounis with the phone number (216) 322-5943 or visit its single location at 817 oak wood in Sheffield Lake, Ohio 44054.

The location of the single location can also be found using the coordinates 41.48368,-82.09852. Read more details about this business on the webpage or follow the company’s social media accounts, on Twitter and on Facebook.